Local news is in crisis. News outlets across the nation are downsizing or shuttering altogether, leaving many communities without local coverage.
But despite this national trend, I’m thrilled to share that MinnPost is growing in 2025. We’ll be adding more talented reporters to our team who can pursue the stories that matter to Minnesota. And we’ll be producing more coverage of the issues consequential to life in our great state.
A donation from you today will help ensure MinnPost has the resources to sustain a growing newsroom and deliver expanded essential journalism you can count on to keep you and our state informed. Will you help us grow our nonprofit newsroom with a tax-deductible donation today?
Now is not the time to turn away from local news, but to invest in its future. And, if you ask me, MinnPost’s future is looking pretty bright! I hope you’ll join us as we embark on a year of growth and expansion.
P.S. Your support helps MinnPost bring to life stories that matter to you and your community. Let’s make 2025 a year of impactful reporting — together. Will you join us with a gift now?