Lawsuit aims to challenge Minnesota’s abortion laws

Candidate files lawsuit; alleges DFL winner does not live in district

MPR reports on a lawsuit seeking an injunction to bar most medical and surgical abortions alleging “Minnesota’s process for abortion consent is too loose and that its legal protections for medical providers are too lenient.”

Via Duluth News Tribune: “A decision on whether to reissue a permit to mine for the company vying to open Minnesota’s first copper-nickel mine is on hold after the company behind it said it is studying potential changes to the controversial project’s design.”

Bring Me the News reports Hennepin County has reached a tentative agreement with its union following a rally earlier this month of employees seeking higher wages.

Fox9 reports Anoka-Hennepin schools need to reduce their budget for the 2025-2026 school year by $21 million. “The district blames multiple factors for the shortfall, including the elimination of pandemic relief funds, higher than budgeted employee contract settlements, and the impact of inflation on transportation and other operations.”

Also in school budget news: Post Bulletin reports Chatfield Public Schools is considering moving to 4-day weeks to reduce costs.

KARE reports the Minneapolis Parks and Recreation Board has received a $120,000 donation from the Margaret A. Cargill Foundation Fund of the Saint Paul & Minnesota Foundation to “enhance climate resilience in economically disadvantaged and environmentally justice designated neighborhoods in Minneapolis.”

Star Tribune reports the Minneapolis Downtown Council has unveiled their 10-year plan to revive the city’s downtown. “The next decade could bring downtown Minneapolis a marquee outdoor ice rink, a Michelin star, consistent skyway hours and thousands more residents, if the Downtown Council’s 10-year plan comes to fruition.”

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