The narrative around local news across the country is a sad one of decline. Even here in Minnesota, many outlets have dwindled or closed altogether.
I’m proud — and I hope you are too! — that MinnPost stands against this disheartening trend. In the vanguard of the nonprofit journalism movement, we’re looked to by peers around the country as the gold model of how to rebuild local news.
But we’re not resting our laurels. In fact, we’re growing.
We’ll soon be announcing a significant expansion of our newsroom starting in 2025. Backed with special support from Minnesotans, we’re adding more journalists to our team who can ask the tough questions, tell impactful stories and bring the complexities of Minnesota to life.
But this growth isn’t just about the size of our newsroom, it’s about what MinnPost does that’s unique: serving as a trusted guide for Minnesotans with insightful, paywall-free journalism on the challenges and opportunities shaping our state’s future.
This vital work, particularly the paywall-free part, is only possible thanks to philanthropic support for our 501(c)(3) nonprofit newsroom. Will you be a part of MinnPost with a tax-deductible donation right now?
MinnPost needs you in our corner to do this work and fuel our expansion at a critical moment. With a donation right now, in any amount, you’ll be standing with our growing team of journalists to do the work that only independent reporting can do to make our communities stronger.
Will you be a part of our 501(c)(3) mission with a donation today?
P.S. The complexities of the challenges and opportunities facing Minnesota are immense. We’re bringing on more journalists to equip you to be a part of shaping our state’s future. We need you with us to make this possible. Any amount makes a big difference. Let’s do this!